Hai sayang sayang sekalian, ada tak husben yang nak buat surprise dekat wife? Children yang buat party sambut birthday parents? Or guy yang nak jadi sweet macam Hafiz Mahamad tu tapi takmampu nak sewa limo. Apa kata korang bagi BUNGA je walaupun oldskool tapi percayalah ia tetap nampak sweet dan lovely sangat. Takperlu nak pergi ke kedai kena hadap jammed jalan raya lagi, habiskan minyak kereta dan paling utama boleh jimat masa uolls nak prepare everyting!
Meh sini farrah nak bagitahu, Bloom2U is online flower delivery service looks like pro. Bloom2u ni buat service area KL dan cover overseas juga tahu. They really set off a good impression la from even the front page. Everything yang uolls would possible one ada!
Bloom2U punya website is quite well made. Their website are broken into categories macam Occasions, Flowers, Wedding, Grand Opening, Gift and Baskets, Home Décor and Promotions! Senang nak jumpa apa yang kita nak cari. Yang bestnya, bukan nak buat surprise untuk yang tersayang je tapi macam macam ada kan?
Nampak gaya macam they do quite a lot of different things, from your standard bouquet of flowers to arrangement special untuk most needs. So lepas ni takpayah lah pening fikir nak hias macam mana, design macam mana, haishhh tinggal pilih je uolls hehe
So I terus click on the Grand Opening nya option sebab nak tengok hasil dorang macam mana and guess what! Seriously cantik sangat collection diorang. Tengok kat sini!
Lepas tengok gubahan cantik kat Grand Opening, I’m getting more excited nak tahu tengok lagi gubahan dorang huat. Because I’m getting to married next month, and I’m still looking my handbouquet! Apa lagi godek godek lah kat category Wedding, nak tengok dorang punya bridal bouquets! Wehh lawanya dorang punya gubahan. Nak ! Nak ! Nak! *sambil hentak meja hiks
Pricing I think is quite fair, and the range of items they have kat site lets them offer a wide scope of pricing for different types of budgets. Even kalau uolls nak buy a standard bouquet of flowers pun ada options. Ofcourse uolls can choose either by theme, or by flower type.
They’re more than just another random online flower delivery service. Memang quite good lah this online flower delivery. Kalau uolls are looking to purchase any flower related things, I syorkan uolls check out Bloom2U. So have a look!